Monday, November 12, 2007

Map of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

This map of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery was received from the cemetery office in 1998. The cemetery is located on Cheltenham Avenue between Waverly and Easton Roads, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

At that time you could write to them or go in to the office with a list of the names you were interested in locating graves for. In addition to the map, they printed out a sheet from their computer which gave the owner of the grave site, the section-range-lot-grave numbers, the names of the deceased buried there and the interment dates.

With the map and list in hand it is rather easy to locate the graves you are interested in. It will still require some walking and looking, but is a lot less time consuming than working without this information.

1 comment:

mary Lou said...

I am interested in having ohotos of my great aunt's family tombstones. The surname in CLARK and they are in Section 5 of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. The mnames are Joseph Aloysius Clark d.07/01/26, Elizabeth lillie (Keresetsy) Clark
d. 1924 and their son,Joseph Clark d. 1942. Can you help me or refer me? I like your photos. Mary Lou Russell