This wonderful poem was sent to me by Marilyn Mauldin. I like it so much that I got her permission to publish it here. Please note this is a copyrighted writing and is not for publication without her permission. If you want more information please contact me, or you can reach Marilyn at . Erma
The Dash of a Lifetime
We see it on each tombstone inscribed between two dates
The little dash so neatly carved; to what does it relate?
Do Kings and Queens have a longer dash than a worker in the field?
Are carvings hidden upon the stone telling of bravery that would not yield?
No reference is made of the kindly deeds - many done for you and me
Not a word is mentioned of a life given far across the sea.
The stone is small, there is no room to note discoveries made
Of finding cures, or transplanting hearts or what part they may have played.
Hopes and plans, thoughts and dreams have vanished some may say
Do deeds that we do here on earth remain though we won't stay?
How could that little dash represent the meaning of a life?
It doesn't tell their struggle or how they endured their strife.
It seems that something's missing from beginning date to end
Still, that small chisled dash is the same for foe or friend!
Reflect on this when next you see that dash on someone's stone
Perhaps with our more thoughtful deeds - we'll leave longer dashes of our own.
(C)2007 Marilyn Mauldin Collection