More on Elmlawn Cemetery
The following gravestones are for the Samcoe family. While this is not a direct line in my Woodside family, the Samcoes are related to Lillie B. (Samcoe) Woodside, wife of William J. Woodside. The Samcoe gravestones sit next to the Woodside gravestones in the West Chapel Lawn section of Elmlawn Cemetery. See the previous Elmlawn posting for the Woodside gravestones.
This photo is an overview of the layout of the Woodside and Samcoe stones. The darker stone on the left is the Woodside stone, as well as the flat in ground plaque in front of it. The second and fourth stones on the right are the Samcoe stones.

These two photos are of the front and back of the stone that sits under the tree in rear of overview photo (Lot 522).
Engraved on the lower edge of front of stone are three names: Charlotte B. 1886-1934; George A. 1887-1949; Elizabeth 1855-1928 (These are in graves 4, 5, and 6).
Engraved on lower edge of rear of stone are two names and a blank space: Ruth E. 1906-1907; Geda L. 1892-1963 (graves 10 and 11).

These photos are the front and rear of the second Samcoe gravestone (Lot 525).
Engraved on lower edge of front are three names: William H. Sr. 1848-1897; William J. 1891-1942; Anna Martin 1890-1954 (graves 4, 5, and 6).
Engraved on lower edge of rear of stone are three names: Stanley Czapla 1887-1956; Ruth A. Bogner 1913-2004; Earl Bogner 1913-1966 (graves 10, 11, and 12).
This plaque laying flat in ground is at the rear of the above gravestone. It reads: Beloved Husband, Stanley Czapla, 1887-1956. It would appear this plaque was put in place at time of burial, then later his name was engraved on the large stone.
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